Register your child

Should you wish to register your child to attend TASC the following documents will need to be completed and returned for your child prior to them starting;

Once the above forms are completed and returned to and the Manager has confirmed and agreed on availability, your child can come along whenever you need.

We look forward to welcoming your child at TASC and making some fun memories with them.

As a registered service we are expected to hold as much up to date information as possible of your children to personalise their experiences. Therefore, parents should complete an additional more about me form below or review current information held at the setting. This should be carried out for children regularly but at the very least every 6 months. 

Staff will try to complete these with children when they attend and we will ask you to review and sign these off when you collect your child, however, in some cases we may ask that you complete this at home with your child. 


Primary 3 to Primary 7 children

Book a show around

    Fees, Terms and Conditions

    The following Terms and Conditions must be agreed upon prior to children starting with TASC, this ensures that all service users are treated equally and fairly.

    On receipt of registration forms, TASC staff and committee will take this as confirmation of agreement that
    the terms and conditions have been accepted.

    Procedures and other information

    We offer flexible childcare, this can be 1 day a week, month, or year. It is entirely as and when you need it.

    Bookings can be made via telephone or e-mail. We can take bookings up until 2.30pm on the day you need your child collected.

    It is also recommended that you notify your child’s teacher of the days your child/ren will attend TASC.

    Term time after school care session (3.15pm-5.45pm) is £11.50, with additional children £10.50.

    Holiday weeks sessions run (8.30am-1.30 pm) and are £20 with additional children £15.
    Please note that the pickup time does not affect the cost.

    1. Fees are invoiced monthly (by e-mail) and bank transfers can be arranged for making payments. We also accept childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare payments, please ask for further information.
    2. Full fees are still payable for non-attendance if the club has not been notified prior to arriving at the school to collect a child.

    We are signed up to a number of schemes to help with childcare costs, these are as follows;

    • Computershare vouchers – we accept this method of payment if your work has this in place, please contact them to find out how to set this up.
    • Tax Free childcare – please visit for more information on this – you could get £2 back for every session!
    • Universal Credit – you may also be entitled to help towards your fees at TASC through Tax Credits as we are registered; our care service number is CS2011305196. Please visit

    If your child will not be attending the club as per your normal booking, a phone call should be made to the Manager (01880 739 175 / 07949 013 359) by 10am or full fees will still be due.

    It is the responsibility of the parent to notify both the child and the club of any changes to the normal booking, whether the changes are permanent or temporary.

    1. In order to maximise safety and security when children attend TASC, a documented daily registration procedure is in use. This involves phoning the parent/carer immediately when an expected child does not turn up. PLEASE advise us if your child is not attending the club and help avoid unnecessary searching, phone calls and concern to staff. Please also notify the school too.

    2. We advise that children should be brought to the club before their start date to allow us to
    discuss procedures with them and to familiarise them with the club and meet with staff.

    3. In the interest of safety, parents should remind children on the relevant day they are
    coming to the club and notify the club and the school of any changes, as detailed above.

    4. Children will only be permitted to leave the club with the persons named for collection on
    the registration form. Parents should inform us in writing of any changes to the named
    person/s, in order for our records to be kept up to date for security reasons.

    5. Late collections. If a child has not been collected by 5.45pm, staff will call the emergency contact numbers as detailed on the registration form, to arrange collection. In the unlikely event that a child has not been picked up by 6.00pm and staff have been unable to locate any of the emergency contacts, then under the conditions of the Children’s Act 1989 / Care Standards Act 2000, the Social Services Dept. will be contacted for advice. There will be a charge of £10 per child for every 15 minutes that collection is late due to the premises not being insured after 6:00pm.

    Parents will be responsible for any extra costs incurred because of late collection.

    1. Should staff be required to administer short or long term medication to your child, you will
    be require to complete and sign a Medicine Administration form.

    2. The club Manager will be designated responsible for administering the prescribed
    medication to your child and you will be required to instruct them in the procedure for this.

    3. It is your responsibility to notify the Manager or Senior Staff of any changes to regular prescribed medication.

    All complaints will be dealt with confidentially. Please read our complaints policy on how to
    make your complaint.

    The Care Inspectorate can be contacted on - The phone number can
    also be found in the complaints policy.

    A termly planner will be sent out to parent/carer(s) with ideas and suggestions of what the children would like to play/learn about. We are always keen to have input from
    parent/carer(s) with suggestions, ideas and relate to children’s life’s outside of school and
    childcare. We would love it if you e-mailed us with suggestions of what your child may be
    keen to take part in at TASC.

    We use our Facebook and Instagram pages to post pictures of these experiences and allow
    parent/carer(s) to see what children have been doing.

    Communication to parent(s) will be via e-mail so please ensure we have your up-to-date e-
    mail address at all times. We will do an update twice a year to ensure that we have the most
    up-to-date information for families in case of emergencies.